Thursday, March 01, 2007

5:48 AM,
I clung on to those forbidden memories.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
injured my hand last week. but despite of doctor's orders i came for kendo today. bohahahahaha. today is our first training with men(head gear) on. let me can i describe it. its hot, stuffy, restricting, i cant see whats on the side, its heavy and it makes my neck very painful. wats more is that the senseis and sempais kept hitting us very hard.continuously.purposely. shit them.T_T susan sensei hit my kote(hand guard) until my wrist blue black.she told me not to hit so hard but she herself hit very hard. haiz. i recently cut my hair so its quite spiky now. after practise i was busy keeping my bogu when someone pulled my hair from behind. it was damian sensei.baka yaro! then he happily said "im so jealous.hahahahaha"oh well, my hand hurts like shit now. still need to finish my art coursework. T_T
7:23 AM,
I clung on to those forbidden memories.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
finished the chem/phy dt paper today. then headed to japanese school. class today was very hard. cause we had to wear our kote(hand armor) for the first time. very difficult.very very difficult. it was this day that i tied my doh(chest armor) very loose so it keeps dropping. very distracting. anyways, my swings were not correct throughout the time. damian sensei keeps correcting me but the weight of the kote kept wearing my arms down. i can feel that he's a bit disappointed in me. haiz. by the way, he started calling me 'my little flower'. (hana means flower in japanese)very embarrassing. shereen and lambchop kept laughing at me. shit them. haiz. my maths dt is tml and i hope i pass this time round. ARGH! my fingers are pain! typing this post is very hard.
6:59 AM,
I clung on to those forbidden memories.
Friday, February 09, 2007
haiz.i dont really want to talk about the kendo tournament.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to my friends who passed your o levels. congragulations! but for those who did not do so well, remember that tis is not the end but just another stepping stone, a challenge in life. this is not the end!!! ok? ok! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------just came back from the adam khoo workshop. this is the third and final day. i admit that the workshop was fun, so does the trainers. we played alot of games and learned many things. also we did the chiwawa dance super fast which was very funny. even our trainer was laughing. yes yes i did told myself that i wasnt going to cry during the workshop. but being the emotional creature that i am, i cried. the reasons i will not say. my parents did not come for today's closing ceremony. there are so many things that i want to say to my parents but sadly, i do not have the courage to do so. in that case i'll just say it here because i noe they wont read this. i love you.
6:04 AM,
I clung on to those forbidden memories.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
yes yes yingwern left for australia. T_T....why why...watashi yingwern no tsuki!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------man im sick! sneezing like an idiot. plus the weather is uber cold today. despite all that, i still went for the kendo tournament briefing. GAH! its so cold...we brought the tables and chairs out. paste the score lists on the wall blablabla.the entire time i felt as if my mucus could come out any second. especially when i tried to blow the whistle, i had to hold it in so that it wouldnt gush out. by the way, im given the job as a tagger...again. i'd just have to tie a piece of cloth at the back of the participant's big deal rite? wrong! there are over 100+ participants for the tournament tml!! u can see me running around in my gi and hakama looking at ppls no. and tagging them. haiz.oh well, we'll see wat happens tml. sayonara!
5:33 AM,
I clung on to those forbidden memories.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
a lot of things happened tis past few weeks. too busy to update.
me, lychee and wanshin decided to bake christmas cookies. the seashell is yingwern. reindeer is serena. the $1 is eunice and the pig is lelin. oh ya..tis picture i stole from yingwern. harharhar
next, the barbeque at yingwerns house. its not really a barbeque actually. just some cooking. oh...the one doing the cooking is yingwern.hahaha. cheese sausage sandwiches. there were me, yingwern, lychee, wan shin, serena, lelin and her sister. we spent the first few hours watching the new year countdown. after that was over, wan shin went home then we played, monopoly, scrabble blablabla. oh...and blackjack with monopoly money. since its almost 3 am, we had to play tis stupid game where whoever sleeps will get slapped.hahahaha.finally, a real barbeque! i arrive at the shalet on the second day due to the stupid CIP thing. yingwern, lychee, wanshin, jon and serena were there playing some card games. there were a lot of food! too much food! damn it to whoever never eat or eat very little on the first day!! damn you! we were very full and had to throw away the food. the poor chickens.soon it was night. me and lychee played with fireworks outside the shalet. it was quite fun watching the grass burn., yingwern, jon and ser watched tv while me and lychee go play billard. walau, i lost 3 in a row. i only won 1 round. btw, leeching claim that she saw ivan there only after i accidentally hit her head with the stick. hahahaha. srry lychee! went back to the shalet, played tis weird dice game and went to sleep. me,ying and lychee woke up two hours later at 6am. we went outside and eat cup noodles. i got the mushroom one.sheesh. after that i had to go because i got kendo training that morning. very sleepy. i found out that i hit very hard with my shinai when im sleepy. i feel very guilty that day. im supposed to hit diagonally countless times and lambchop was supposed to block with her shinai. i hit so hard that the impact hit her head. thwak! after saying sorry and rubbing her forehead, we tried again. tis time i hit her head directly! shit. and her father was watching! ARGH!the shame...the guilt. hahahaha. sorry lambchop! hahahahha.
11:28 PM,
I clung on to those forbidden memories.
Monday, December 18, 2006
hahaha...seriously very cute although im not really fans of dogs.
5:23 AM,
I clung on to those forbidden memories.
today is a tiring day. me, leching, eunice and lelin played basketball in the morning. then lelin went somewhere and we went to eunice's house to finish her idiotic jigsaw puzzle. i really hated it cause theres so many flowers. pink flowers. -_- later we went to play badminton at the sports complex. fun fun fun. and sweating like shit. yup. by the way, i heard the news from sarah. daijoubu, sarah chan. you can do it!
5:04 AM,
I clung on to those forbidden memories.